RPM Toolkit - distro building utilities

These are some quick and dirty tools used for layering stuff on top of a Red Hat / RPM-based distro. They were developed mainly for the XFS-enabled RH7.x install CDs.

repobuild is a perl script that given an SRPM directory and an RPM directory will identify missing packages. It's using srpm2bin to extract the package list from the SRPMS. repobuild outputs a list of SRPMs that need to be built to make the binary RPM dir match the SRPM ditto.

splice is a perl script that allows you to layer and merge RPM repositories. It can be used to overlay specific packages (for instance XFS-aware kernels) as well as adding/removing packages to/from the pool. splice outputs the merged list of packages.

srpm2bin is a perl script that given an SRPM will output the list of binary RPMs compiling the package would produce. For instance:

	# srpm2bin foo-1.0-1.src.rpm
